أراء العملاء

The Feedback is to provide individuals with insights into their actions and their impact on others. It helps guide improvement, enhance learning, and promote growth.

5.00﷼ /شهر 40.00﷼ /سنة

Feedback Collection

Feedback can be collected through various channels, including online surveys, comment forms, social media, emails, suggestion boxes, and direct conversations. Feedback can encompass opinions, suggestions, complaints, compliments, and more.

Management Improvement

Feedback provides insights into areas where you can improve. It highlights what you are doing well and points out areas that need development, helping you enhance your skills, performance, and overall effectiveness.

Customer Feedback

Feedback from customers or clients provides insights into their experiences with products or services. It helps businesses improve and tailor offerings to better meet customer needs.

What does the Feedback module help with?

Feedback module is a component of a system, software application, or platform designed to facilitate the process of collecting, managing, and analyzing feedback from users, customers, employees, or other stakeholders.

Why choose dedicated modulesfor Your Business?

With Dash, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.

Empower Your Workforce with DASH

Access over Premium Add-ons for Accounting, HR, Payments, Leads, Communication, Management, and more, all in one place!

  • Pay-as-you-go
  • Unlimited installation
  • Secure cloud storage
5.00﷼ /شهر
تدفع شهريا، أو 5.00﷼/ إذا تم الدفع شهريا
40.00﷼ /سنة
تتم الفاتورة سنويًا، أو 40.00﷼/ إذا دفعت سنويا

Why choose dedicated modules for Your Business?

With Dash, you can conveniently manage all your business functions from a single location.

أراء العملاء

5.00﷼ /شهر 40.00﷼ /سنة
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0.00﷼ /شهر 0.00﷼ /سنة
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واتس اب API

0.00﷼ /شهر 0.00﷼ /سنة
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0.00﷼ /شهر 0.00﷼ /سنة
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إنديا مارت

0.00﷼ /شهر 0.00﷼ /سنة
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